For 5000 years, Homo sapiens has been at war with a cultural curse that he himself has created by inventing unnatural slavery and an unnatural class culture that arises from it. As a result, man has fallen into a cultural development that today threatens to overwhelm not only human nature, but the entire nature of the earth. Therefore, it has become vital for today's Homo sapiens to understand that today's war of estates (rich against poor), the war of the sexes, the family war and the generational war are cultural symptoms and do not arise from a malevolent human nature.

Only if Homo sapiens today emancipates itself from its tragic error with regard to the invention of slavery and class culture and thereby purposefully dissolves its increasingly conspicuous psychological and cultural disorders, there will be a future worth living for Homo sapiens.

This website provides the basic scientific tools for this necessary emancipation.

You will find under Articles several Articles for the beginning. Under Community you find a description of the instruments for to change the todays culture constitution.

A first in-depth analysis of the causes of today's global cultural situation can be found in the following books