There is an essential difference between informations through image and film materials and through reading materials. When processing texts, the reader uses the ability of his imagination to transform what he has read into pictorial ideas. This makes it easier for the reader later to correct the ideas that he himself has actively created when his findings condense into a complex imagination.

When a person watches a film, his imagination remains relatively passive, as he consumes prefabricated images and takes over them 1:1 due to the fast image sequences. These images are relatively difficult to alter later, especially if they are unnatural images that the human brain cannot easily process. The brain works according to the WYSIWYG principle (What You See Is What You Get). About 5000 years ago, through the invention of slavery and a corresponding class culture, man began to cultivate a supernatural cruel violence that does not exist in the other animals of the earth. Therefore, a film that illustrates such a supernatural violence in the form of concrete images means the problem for the human brain that these images cause disturbances in consciousness. This danger is reduced when reading texts, because the resulting images are designed by the human phantasy in such a way that they do not cause disturbances in the emerging consciousness.

 If you press the following article titles your are going straight to the text of the article.


The Emergence of a pseudo-symbiotic Enmeshment and Codependency within the Mother-Child Relationship and its enormous social Impacts.

The tripping hazard of supernatural human Irascibility

The Emergence of the monotheistic Religion, which is becoming more and more a Life-Threatening today

The religious Isolation of People within today's Culture

The Birth of a modern biological Cultural Community

The Realisation of an independant local Monetary Organisation

The Reversal of Cause and Effect as a second essential Power Agenda of the Master Men of Class Culture

The biological Consideration of the Sin and of the Life Message of Jesus




The Emergence of a pseudo-symbiotic Enmeshment and Codependency within the Mother-Child Relationship and its enormous social Impacts.


After the Thirty Years' War (1618-1648), a Protestant Black pedagogy emerged in Europe, the core of which was implemented in Western class cultures until 1960. Since then, Black pedagogy has been officially taboo, but continues in the culture through a compulsive pseudo-symbiotic mother-child relationship enmeshment.

The maternal abuse of the child that takes place in this way aims, like Black Pedagogy, at the take posession over of the child's ego by occupying the natural will of the child. The conditioning of the child takes place through the facial expression of the mother, which a child can interpret from the age of 5 months. This opens up the possibility for the mother to condition her child's behavior through conscious facial expressions in the form of a special pedagogy of reward (smile) and punishment (downturned corners of the mouth) according to her inclinations and goals.

Even though this early methodology is later supplemented by verbal and emotional methods of intimidation or by targeted withdrawal of contact, conditioning through a targeted facial expression remains the most effective method to evoke the desired behavior in one's own children. To the question of how women could even come up with the idea of generating such manipulative power over their own children, we find a plausible explanation in the low cultural position of women within the patriarchal class culture of the last 5000 years. As a result, the woman could be tempted to gain an effective consolation, a social support and an indirect influence on the father of the children through a targeted conditioning of her children. To this day, a maternal power agenda of supernatural take posession of one's own children has been maintained in culture, which psychology calls symbiotic enmeshment.

Although this symbiotic enmeshment with one's own mother severely affects many women and men in their relationship formation into old age, this pathological relationship constitution is only known by a few people. This lack of knowledge is mainly due to the fact that the social culture has attributed or imposed on the mother the official cultural role of the saint and has stubbornly maintained it in the human worldview until a few years ago. As a result, the official role behavior of most women has remained correspondingly positivistic and empathetic, so that even today it is still difficult for many children and adults to imagine that a woman or even a mother could do something dishonest. This cultural inclination towards social glorification and immunization of women has enabled women to practice an obligatory emotional and sexual manipulation within the framework of a neoliberal "sex sell" capitalism. Since this arbitrary emotional and sexual manipulation has led to serious social consequential damage in culture, women's moral immunity has slowly but surely dissolved since the turn of the millennium. As a result, the mother-child relationship has also received greater scientific attention again, which has subsequently also increased reports of a unnatural behavior by many women and mothers.

Ethnological research of the last 150 years reports on a puberty rite for boys found in several primitive peoples, which has as its purpose a conscious detachment of the deep emotional mother-son bond and brings the boys into the world of men. This prohibits mothers from continuing to maintain a deep emotional relationship with their sons. The deep symbiotic mother-son relationship is vital, especially in the first years of the child's life. With advancing age, however, this relationship hinders the children's independence in a more or less strong way. An emotional dissolution of this deep relationship is therefore necessary at puberty at the latest, otherwise there is a risk that the boys will not be able to fulfill their natural tasks for family organisation. If a man remains too "soft" due to an emotional dependence on his mother, then it becomes questionable whether he can withstand the hardships of a strenuous human reproductive period of 18 years. This is especially true for the supernatural everyday hardships within a class culture.

The healthy reproduction of man, which was relatively secured in the natural communitie organization was disturbed and distorted by the class culture in an extremely consequential way. Thereby the development of a compulsive pseudo-symbiotic mother-son and mother-daughter relationship enmeshment led to extremely lasting consequences for family design and society shaping The reason for this is that toddlers have no choice but to adapt to their mother's demands, as this adaptation is a matter of survival even within a class culture. Children feel this at a very early age and organize themselves accordingly.

A compulsive pseudo-symbiotic relationship enmeshment with the mother leads to an extraordinarily serious and persistent maldevelopment of the child's relationship organization, which becomes effective again even in a child who has turned 50 years old as soon as mother and child meet again. We are therefore dealing with a totalitarian encroachment by parents on the self-organization of their own children, in which we can already speak of a special kind of possession of the child.

The conditioning of the child for a selfless fulfilment of the mother's social needs, which usually arises in a compulsive pseudo-symbiotic mother-child enmeshment, leads to a mutual psychological dependence, which is referred to in psychological jargon as codependency. The psychological dependence of the affected children, which solidifies over time, leads to the fact that they develop real psychological and also physical withdrawal symptoms as soon as they try to distance themselves from the mother. Even if the children have already got adult, these withdrawal symptoms show up as soon as they decide to interrupt or end the relationship with the mother for a longer period of time. Similar symptoms occur in mothers, who therefore tend to constantly meddle in the lives of their sons and daughters in an exaggerated way.

In class culture, people are basically tempted to neutralize emotional affects of the unbearable kind through the magic formula "Where there is no I, there is no pain". Therefore, the process of codependency within a compulsive pseudo-symbiotic mother-child enmeshment goes relatively unnoticed.In a compulsive pseudo-symbiotic mother-child relationship, the mother always pays an exaggerated attention to the fact that the child's attention is on the mother's will and emotional state. As a result, the children become a shadow of themselves over time, because they are too busy with the mother and too little with themselves. This "relationship logistics" often continues with the affected children into old age in all new acquaintances and partnerships, whereby these relationships sooner or later fail in a painful way. The more a child gets caught up in a compulsive pseudo-symbiotic relationship enmeshment, the more the child normalizes a severe general and absolutist selflessness. As a result, the child fails to develop his own views, his own will and his natural self. People who grow up in this way ultimately prefer to choose abusive narcissistic people for their later relationships, who are extremely egocentric, as they represent, so to speak, a certain compensation for their practiced absolutist selflessness.

We can therefore conclude that manipulative child abuse, which leads to a pathological relationship enmeshment of mother and child, blocks the natural getting adult the children. This includes a corresponding deficient development of the child's psyche. The master men and the narcissists within a class culture use this pathological development in a systematic way, since people who do not getting adult in the biological sense are easier to influence and direct. As a result, they adapt more easily and recklessly to the unnatural cultural and relational conditions of a class culture.

A destructive pseudo-symbiotic mother-child enmeshment very often leads to the fact that the children affected by it do not marry and avoid any firm bond, because an absolutist mother-child relationship echo chamber has developed in their psyche. In such an echo chamber, a whole complex of unbearable toxic thoughts and emotions accumulates over time, which cannot be processed or digested due to their unnature. As a result, those affected are constantly busy keeping the toxic, ideological and emotional garbage in check in their echo chamber. This is especially the case when a mother has turned her child into a soul trash can. As soon as a mother tells her child about a severe abuse or rape in her own childhood, tells a girl that it should have been a boy, confronts the child with a frightening anger or causes the child other unbearable experiences, then this unnatural ideological and emotional special waste can overwhelm the child's psyche to such an extent that a lasting fear of the indigestible revelations of others humans develops in the children. This is also due to the fact that children who are involved in a compulsive pseudo-symbiotic relationship develop an unnatural, exaggerated empathy for the respective you through their fixation on the you. As a result, they experience confidential accounts of supernatural experiences of violence, as if these experiences of violence were happening to them themselves.

A mother who realises a compulsive pseudo-symbiotic entanglement with her children in order to fulfill her social needs for attention, causes the progressive suspension of the natural will and a corresponding repression of the natural self in the children. As a result, a momentous psychological dependence on the mother arises in the children as if by itself. The more selfless a child becomes as a result, the more important it becomes for the child to constantly pay attention to the emotional world and the will of the mother. This finally leads to a psychological fusion with the mother, so that the child can only be happy if also the mother is happy.

Therefore the child can become so clingy and so dependent on the mother that every time the child realises a inner separation from the mother, such as through the development of a deeper friendship with another child or with an adult, a feeling of sadness and insecurity arise in in the child. The pathological enmeshment in a compulsive pseudo-symbiotic mother-child relationship therefore leads sometimes to such a serious psychological dependence of the child that we can speak of a dangerous addiction development.

As with all serious addiction developments, the attempt to detach oneself from the drug "mother" leads to real psychological withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety attacks, serious feelings of guilt, a guilty conscience and a veritable circling of thoughts. In addition, there are physical symptoms in the form of back pain, migraines, abdominal pain and other physical symptoms. We are therefore dealing with a classic development of addiction, which causes serious irritations and disorders in those affected, who are not sufficiently aware of their dependence on the mother, every time they try to end this dependence. These disorders can reach as far as the fear of being possessed by an evil spirit. This is no longer just a dangerous, but a serious, extremely tragic addiction constitution.

Many sufferers who do not realize that they are suffering from a compulsive pseudo-symbiotic entanglement in the form of a codependency remain trapped in this addiction for the rest of their lives. As soon as they try to distance themselves from their mother, they are confronted with withdrawal symptoms that are perceived as uncanny, which can last for weeks until they finally disappear, just like heroin withdrawal. As a result, most of those affected prematurely break off their attempts to dissolve their compulsive pseudo-symbiotic relationship with the mother.

In a compulsive pseudo-symbiotic mother-child enmeshment also the mother is developing a psychological dependence, because the child constantly fulfills the mother's social needs. This leads to the mother taking active countermeasures as soon as the child tries to distance herself from the mother, "this is betrayal", "How can you be so ungrateful" "I have done so much for you, and now this!" "I'm feeling very bad, please take care of me", etc. As a result, it is very common for a compulsive pseudo-symbiotic mother-child entanglement to last until the death of the affected persons. It is therefore appropriate to state that a compulsive pseudo-symbiotic relationship can rob a person of the natural gift of life as early as the age of 5 months and transform it into a sustainable unnatural life that lasts until death.

This is more or less true for all compulsive pseudo-symbiotic relationship entanglements that a class culture produces. We find in many families today also a compulsive pseudo-symbiotic father-child entanglement and a compulsive pseudo-symbiotic entanglement between siblings, so that a real family war arises within the affected families, in which each member fights for his or her psychological survival. The maternal and/or paternal narcissism that usually causes this rubs off on the children over time, so this can have extremely unpleasant consequences for the local community in which an affected family lives.

In the workplace, too, a compulsive pseudo-symbiotic relationship enmeshment can develop between a superior and a subordinate, which can last for a long time. However, such a relationship can be ended more easily than in a family by changing jobs. However, it has turned out that narcissistic people have a nose for people which organise themselves in a altruism way, so that a compulsive pseudo-symbiotic relationship enmeshment can also emerge again at the next workplace for the people who are susceptible to it.

Even the blind obedience of bourgeois subjects, which is so often and gladly criticized, is nothing more than a compulsive pseudo-symbiotic relationship entanglement between a state and its citizens. Such a relationship usually comes into its own only from the age of 18 of a citizen, when the special status of the child in the culture comes to an end and the adolescent child is immersed in the "world of adults". Many citizens who are affected by a compulsive pseudo-symbiotic entanglement with the state develop a real homesickness when they stay in another state for a long time. Such homesickness can also cause physical withdrawal symptoms, so that the colloquial phrase "sick with homesickness" has become commonplace.The compulsive pseudo-symbiotic enmeshment with the state, which sometimes becomes extremely effective as a result, is also reflected in many citizens by a submissiveness to the state authorities and cultural experts.

Ultimately, also the religion of a monotheistic class culture is nothing more than a "normal" compulsive pseudo-symbiotic relationship enmeshment of the believers with a personified God, which creates a psychological dependence of the believers on this God. Since the believer thereby hands over his power to God (powerless servant of an almighty God) and the divine omnipotence in the monotheistic class cultures is transferred to the master men (vicegerent of God on earth), these master people are "felt" just as omnipotent in the world view of the believers. In doing so, the believer organizes himself in a passive-receptive way entirely in the sense of the religious  conditioning that has been implemented and the resulting pseudo-symbiotic enmeshment with his God. Many enlightened people of today consider those who fall for such an ultimately easily to see through power agenda of the "master men" to be negligent naïve or even stupid. The monotheistic religion, however, is designed in a targeted way in such a way that, on the one hand, it takes up the social hardships which inevitably arise in a class culture, and delegates them to an almighty God, and on the other hand, it causes in people a deep fear of an arbitrarily rewarding and punishing God. This creates a very special compulsive pseudo-symbiotic relationship enmeshment between the monotheistic God and the believer, which already generates severe fears and feelings of guilt in the believer at every doubt about this God. The believer cannot protect himself from these particularly strong and abrupt withdrawal symptoms, because God is omnipresent. This psychological situation can therefore result in dangerous delusions and the most terrible mental illnesses listed in today's catalogue of psychological diseases. The compulsive pseudo-symbiotic relationship enmeshment is therefore not only the most dangerous, but also the most widespread symptomatic aberration within the monotheistic culture of class since 2500 years.

Even sects, such as the Church of Scientology, today generate compulsive pseudo-symbiotic relationship enmeshments with the official spiritual leader L. Ron Hubbard. Every "simple" narcissist who strives for power over other people can generate a compulsive pseudo-symbiotic relationship enmeshment using an  emergency situation by formulatiing a sensational solution for this emergency situation, through which he becomes a leader figure.

What is possible for the narcissistic leader of a two-person relationship or a small community also applies to a political party or other larger community formations. That's why it does not matters very much whether a compulsive pseudo-symbiotic relationship entanglement emerge within a couple relationship, within a group, within a religious community or within a state community. In authoritarian and dictatorial community formations, particularly compulsive pseudo-symbiotic relationship enmeshments with the respective "leader" usually arise.

It is therefore important to understand that it is above all the practical constraints that arise within a situation, such as the dependence of the baby on the mother, an impending hunger due to unemployment or other acute needs and practical constraints generated by the class culture, that bring the human being into a compulsive pseudo-symbiotic relationship enmeshment. Also today's compulsive employer-assembly line workers enmeshment produce special constraints for the affected. Through the realization of assembly line production with limited work activities that always remain the same, every employee is relatively easy to replace. Therefore the situation can become extremely precarious for many workers due to the progressive automation of the economy.

Humans only grasp today's dimension of the compulsive pseudo-symbiotic relationship enmeshments when they realize that the modern social media also lead to compulsive pseudo-symbiotic relationship enmeshments for many children and adolescents. This creates a perfidious addiction to seemingly symbiotic relationships that do not deliver what they promise in practice. This leads many children and adolescents to an addiction to an increasing number of pseudo-symbiotic relationships in order to be able to maintain the natural human hope for real symbiotic relationships.

Today's hype for a "positivistic motivation coaching", through which many motivators and therapists become leaders of people looking for support and orientation, also leads into a trap of compulsive pseudo-symbiotic relationships. In a way, this is true even for the virtual relationship that the individual creates in a fictional way with a cultural superstar. The millions of euros that the football star receives for kicking a football, the model gets for walking the catwalk and the actors for playing a role in front of a camera, which are paid by the fans. Therefore also this form of of compulsive, many times fanatical pseudo-symbiotic relationship enmeshment is also costing people dearly.

In the last 25 years, the global situation of man has become a whole network of compulsive pseudo-symbiotic relationship enmeshments, which has led to many people developing a serious addiction to the capitalist class culture as such. For this addiction, as for all addiction developments, the compulsion arises to increase the dose of addictive substances in a progressive manner as soon as the underlying unbearable life situation intensifies or a habituation effect occurs that fundamentally reduces the effect of the drug on the psyche.

Since the addiction is due to the chronic lack of a natural satisfaction of the social human needs, we also find numerous secondary addiction developments in today's class culture that get out of hand. These addiction developments represent the permanent tragic attempt of humans to replace the social needs that cannot be fulfilled in culture with artificial motivators. It is this basic constellation that is decisive today for why man organizes himself in an increasingly nervous way and why he does not begin to transform his destructive footprints on earth into constructive biological footprints against his better judgment. There can therefore be no longer any "business as usual", as humans are increasingly transforming their culture into a holistic coercive apparatus. From a certain degree of an everyday cultural compulsion, a natural life is no longer possible for Homo sapiens, because without a sufficient natural freedom he can no more live than all other living beings on earth.

Therefore, the more man transforms his global social relations and his global references to nature into compulsive pseudo-symbiotic relationships, as is also happening today through the spread of agricultural monoculture and factory farming, the more he replaces global natural freedom with a unnatural global jail.

The more the compulsive pseudo-symbiotic relationship entanglement spreads across the globe in all fields of culture, the more the real symbiotic relationships between humans and humans and between the humans and the nature disappear and give way to superficial, arbitrary and dictatorial relationships. It is therefore of importance that should not be underestimated that people today recognize that the master-humans of the class culture has always pursued a third agenda of domination. This agenda is to transform the natural symbiotic interpersonal relationships into compulsive pseudo-symbiotic relationship enmeshments in order to be able to exploit the resulting victim-humans in a sustainable way.

This is just as much a program for the "master-humans" of culture as it is for the simple narcissists who we find today in every field of culture and who constantly fuel all the traditional internal wars of class culture, the war of the sexes, the family war, the generational war and the war of the estates. The master-human and the narcissist use the "weakness" of the naïve, trustful, empathetic people in a professional way in order to induce them to supernatural symbiotic relationship efforts through a targeted production of social emergencies and Intolerabilities. Over time, this creates a "normal" compulsive pseudo-symbiotic relationship of the addictive kind, which makes the victim-human a servant, a serf or even a slave within his class culture or within his relationships.

Today's human being can therefore help and heal himself above all by placing a taboo on all personal relationships and references of the compulsive pseudo-symbiotic kind and demanding the same from his fellow human beings. As a result, the personal taboo can become a social taboo and the social taboo can become a global taboo for a sadistic or narcissistic human behavior caused by an unnatural power addiction. Such a consciously represented agenda enables a lasting social resist against every sadism or masochism beginning and ensures corresponding mutual support in all communities. Through such a change in everyday reality, humans can gradually dissolve all compulsive pseudo-symbiotic relationship entanglements in culture and leave them behind.

This social "redemption" is becoming increasingly important today, as we are dealing with an extremely tragic constellation of relationships, which leads to the fact that not only the megalomaniac master-humans and the "simple" narcissists are doing everything they can to maintain the current cultural conditions. Even the servant humans and the slave humans (practically without rights, like many assembly line workers), who have developed a pathological addiction to victim relationships through their pseudo-symbiotic relationship enmeshments, hold on to the cultural status quo in an indirect way through an unnatural iron self-discipline. This leads to the fact that the sadistic lust for power of the master humans and the narcissists and the masochistic self-control and self-dictatorship of the victim people complement each other in a tragic way and fuel each other "progressively".

As with any addiction, we can speak of a compulsive pseudo-symbiotic relationship enmeshment as a tragic perversion of the healthy into the pathological. This inevitably affects any natural symbiosis as soon as it becomes compulsive in any way and mutates into a parasitic relationship. A healthy symbiotic relationship always allows the respective relationship partners to act freely and therefore does not form a compulsive and disease-causing relationship prison, as is the case with a pseudo-symbiotic relationship enmeshment.

Due to the considerable difficulties that a person concerned has to overcome in dissolving a compulsive pseudo-symbiotic relationship enmeshment, the culture human of the class culture has remained an unteachable being for 5000 years. We must therefore speak of a contamination of human existence by the constitution of the class culture, which should not be underestimated, which continues to this day completely unhindered in a progressive way and is heading for a destructive climax that could mean the end of Homo sapiens. Man can only prevent this self-made "fate" if he recognizes the destructive methods of power of the traditional class culture and their consequences in a sufficient way.

  1. The power agenda of "divide and rule", which causes a social separation of man in every respect: war of the sexes, family war, generational war, war of estates, war of competition and economic war. In modern times, additional functional isolatings have been added by an absolutized natural possession in the form of property and interest money (material life insurance), assembly line work, mass production, mass consumption, mass media and mass entertainment through a privatized living room media culture. For 25 years, there has been an additional cultural separation and isolation through an effective dispersion of man in the virtual space of the Internet and through a biblical cultural world of the thousand tongues that has emerged as a result.
  2. The power agenda of the arbitrary reversal of cause and effect, which is increasingly supplemented by an arbitrary interpretation of all cultural concerns. Among other things, this shifts the responsibility for the mistakes and side effects of a megalomaniac corporate economy onto the shoulders of "consumers" through the arbitrary agenda of "privatizing the profits and communitise the costs." 2. The common man today has little to oppose to such an arbitrary cultural formation.
  3. The power agenda of the targeted production of compulsive pseudo-symbiotic relationship enmeshments has been the essential power agenda for 5000 years for every absolutistic, authoritarian group organization of the dictatorial kind, such as for the military or for the bureaucracy. It is also the essential instrument for the organization of an economic world in the culture, in which company logistics is regulated by an absolutist authoritarian hierarchy. Today, more than ever, the compulsive pseudo-symbiotic relationship enmeshment is a "normal" phenomenon within a "normal" cultural war of the sexes, the families, the generations and classes (rich against poor). Therefore, we can speak of a ubiquitous human self-poisoning and community poisoning that is effective in every field of culture.

Although the perversion of the natural symbiotic relationship is omnipresent in today's class cultures, most people are not sufficiently aware of it. This makes it clear how "powerful" the media of the today's class cultures have become in terms of distraction and distraction of today's people and how helplessly humans are thus enmenshed in compulsive, addictive pseudo-symbiotic relationships.

It is therefore of great importance that man becomes aware that the 3 fundamental strivings for power of the master humans in the complex cultural situation of today are sufficient to speak of a guarantee for the self-destruction of Homo sapiens. For even if today's Homo sapiens succeeds in avoiding another world war, today's power agenda of a "new neoliberal world order" not only causes an overload of the nature of the earth, but also a degeneration of human nature. As a result, Homo sapiens can also "disappear" from evolution through a depressive indifference, as has already happened with some class cultures in cultural history. Everything has its natural limits, including human nature.

As soon as the human being understands that he has a special biological weakness that makes a disastrous social development possible, he can also develop appropriate prevention. The brain volume of Homo sapiens has reached a size that has led not only to a special pelvic construction in the women, but also to a special developmental logistics in humans. Compared to the animals, which often stand on their own two feet half an hour after birth, humans are born too early and therefore depend on the mother in a comprehensive way. This makes a special maternal care for the human child in the first 3 years of life necessary.

For the primitive peoples, this is not a problem, as they organize themselves in an equal social way, whereby everyone feels jointly responsible for the children of the tribe and mutual support within the community organization is a matter of course.

Within a class culture that arbitrarily upgrades one gender and devalues the other sex, a regular gender war inevitably arises, which causes extremely drastic social hardships in the culture. Among other things, this can lead to mothers indemnifying themselfes through their children and realizing an compulsive pseudo-symbiotic mother-child relationship. For this reason, it is not possible for Homo sapiens, with its special social requirements for symbiotic motherhood, to organize itself in a sustainable biological way through a class culture. This is shown not only by the stubborn war of the sexes of the last 5000 years, but also by the many other destructive symptoms that the culture of class today produces.

As soon as a person understands the full extent of what the invention of slavery and the class culture have done to human nature and the nature of the earth to this day, he can massively raise the quality of his self-organization by consciously avoiding a compulsive pseudo-symbiotic relationship enmeshment. For this he must above all stop his vicarious scapegoat wars against other people and declare a "Holy War" on the constitution of the the class culture in and of itself.


Back to the Beginning



The tripping hazard of supernatural human irascibility


One essential power agenda of class culture has always been the professional creation of unbearable relationships and life situations. This includes, above all, the production of arbitrary injustices, for which the human being, who is by nature extremely socially and collectively organized, has an inner antenna. If this results in reactions of the panicked kind (flight) and/or the allergic kind (attack) in a citizen, as they occur with all animals in the case of a life-threatening situation, then the master men have always declared such human reactions to be pathological or malignant. For this he uses a correspondingly created cultural religion, which rates every panicked or defiantly allergic behavior in relation to the authoritarian master men as a "governor of the gods or of the god on earth" (god-king, priesthood) as a disobedience against God, which is punished accordingly - even if it is "only" through a social exclusion or stigmatization (e.g. penitential garment).

In a relatively self-organizing nature, the special animal behavioral modifications of panic and allergic reaction disappear again as soon as the life-threatening situation that caused them dissolves again. In the case of the cultured man, who always remains accesseble for the master men within an absolutistically organized class culture, the behavioral modifications of panic and allergic reaction remain latent and lead to a supernatural susceptibility to panic and allergic reactions. The cultural people of the lower class and the lower middle class, who are mainly affected by this, therefore try to keep their panic and allergic reactions in check through an absolute self-control in order to escape the cultural punishments for their "malignant" reactions. Sooner or later, this unnatural complex of behavior leads to the personal state that humans call irascibility, a bottomless rage which can be directed not only against other people, but also against the affected persons themselves. Such anger can become extremely dangerous both for the individual and for an entire society.

The irascibility that arises in a human being is not a natural concept of a life-saving behavior, but a supernatural affective constitution that tends to a blanket destruction of a situation that has become unbearable, whatever the cost. It is therefore a supernatural "side effect" of an absolutist striving for power by the master men within a class culture and thus a symptom of an arbitrary unnatural cultural power agenda. The "power" of the master men, to be able to evoke such self-destructive affects as irascibility in a person through arbitrary, unbearable social behavior alone, has remained to this day an essential means of the master men to maintain their power within the class culture and thus the class culture itself. In an Irascible anger, as a rule, there exist shares of a bottomless rage, a boundless thirst for revenge, and an immeasurable lust for war and destruction, which we cannot detect in the animals of earthly nature. This unnatural affects of the cultured man led to a hell of a fear of their own inner affects.

The experience of a bottomless supernatural violent temper inevitably causes a deep general uncertainty of those affected and reduces self-confidence in such a serious way that this experience is overall terrible for the human being. Therefore, those affected by it develop dictatorial self-control in order to avoid irascible fits in the future. If the irascible fits continue to occur, then those affected begin to look for an absolutist external guidance or authority that helps them to keep their own irascibility and the bottomless fear that arises from it in check through an absolute "selflessness" (where there is no I, there is no pain, no unbearability and no irascibility). To this day, this leads to the fact that those affected develop an artificial cultural ego, organize themselves through an absolutist obedience to authority and to the culture and blindly adhere to what the master race and experts of culture prescribe in terms of normal standards and behavior. We are therefore dealing with a vicious circle in irascibility, which the master men of class culture has triggered in a fatal way within human self-organization and is "successfully" maintain to this day.

A manipulative intervention of the master men and the "cultural experts" in the nature of the children through an extremely effective educational pedagogy, which has become immanent to the system today, "causes in today's culture for increasing symptomatic, irascible behavioral derailments of the children, which can also manifest themselves in a "gentle" form through chronic allergic reactions of all kinds. To this day, the class culture has been able to ensure a sufficient supply of its cultural machines of the military, the economy and the bureaucracy through citizens who organize themselves in a downright serfdom. The increasing number of chronic mental illnesses and the increasingly obvious irascible symptoms in culture (irascible feminism, irascible hip hop, irascible hate speech) however make it clear that the inner protective wall that the cultured person has developed against irascibility is crumbling.

The unnatural human irascibility and what it can cause is becoming clear in war, as soon as the soldiers develop a cruel, bottomless sadistic behavior. Such a behavioral derailment usually causes long-term mental disorders in soldiers. This has become particularly clear through the well-documented Vietnam War. After the Vietnam War, quite a few American veterans had to struggle above all with the consequences of their cruel behavioral derailments in the war, which had not been ordered.

In a war, the normal cultural order is overridden to a large extent, because in a war a lethal violence must be practised against unknown people without ifs and buts. These "enemies" are usually stylized in advance as inhuman monsters, so that the normally safely imprisoned irascibility of the cultured people finds a way to express itself, because the moral shackles of everyday life dissolve. This leads to a bottomless destructive lust for violence among many soldiers, which finds rich nourishment through the "official" enemy offered. The same thing happened in a somewhat modified and milder form after the turn of the millennium through the official enemy image "terrorist" and can basically be evoked against all people who are declared official enemies or scapegoats by a state authority.

Anyone who can understand the tragic inner contexts in these events can also understand why today's man is in danger of destroying himself. In every cultural crisis, the state loses its power of order to a certain extent, so that the irascibility locked up in people finds loopholes and becomes active either in a direct or underground way. The frenzied violence expressed by the irascible temper has become the essential problem for today's man, which man has to master in order to be able to continue to exist as Homo sapiens. It is also the essential key for today's human being to protect the nature of the earth from a frenzied capitalism that ignores everything social and natural in a thoughtless way.

Such a shocking realization sheds new light on the revolutions in cultural history. The French Revolution in particular showed how the unleashing of a political irascibility within a Cultural Revolution can result in a bloodbath. As soon as the revolutionaries develop a supernatural use of violence in the course of the revolution, it comes to the point that the new leaders and rulers of the culture develop the same ruthlessness and cruelty towards the people as the previous rulers. We can therefore speak of a liberation of the inner irascibility of the revolutionaries, which makes it difficult for those affected to return to their old empathetic and symbiotic behavior after the revolution. As a result, the irascibility that was imprisoned again after the revolution is able to keep a constant outlet open through a sadistic rule behavior of the victorious revolutionaries.

If man wants to achieve a real redemption from the culture of class, then he needs another form of revolution, a revolution that dissolves man's inner anger instead of ignite it again and again. Such a "Holy Revolution" can only be achieved today by a silent "Holy War", which is not directed against people, but against the constitution of the class culture as such. Such a Holy War is not a loudly war, but takes place through the agenda "Dripping hollows out rock.". By the individual incessantly criticizing the unnatural nature of class culture and actively promoting everything that advances the realization of a biological democracy of empathic equal rights, a gentle revolution from below can emerge that spreads like wildfire in a society. Everyone can make an important contribution to this necessary "Holy Revolution" by no longer making any ideological compromises with regard to the constitution and the consequences of the class culture and by confronting his social environment with the symptoms and consequences of the social culture, such as the compulsive pseudo-symbiotic relationship entanglement.

In addition, like-minded people can form local communities where they can help each other cope with the symptoms of today's class culture, expand awareness of how a class culture works, or create a new personal religion to practice a constant, important remembering to the wonderful nature of the universe and the earth. These community formations are discussed on the Community page.

Today's man can draw on a wealthy knowledge for the natural human self-organization, which for example he can implement through a personal study for realising a local permaculture and a decentralized free monetary currency. The stronger and larger such a Holy Revolution becomes and the more it is networked through an empathetic community spirit, the more the fertile spiritual, emotional and material ground for today's class culture disappears.


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The Emergence of the monotheistic Religion, which is becoming more and more a Life-Threatening today

Today we can consider the invention of the almighty monotheistic God by the Jews as an arbitrary act of a supernatural human phantasy born of necessity. The belief in such a God has found a basical ideological adversary through the development of modern science over the last 150 years., since above all the discovery that the universe organizes itself in a relative way has become a fundamental part of the scientific worldview. In a relative universe, there can be no absolutist omnipotent ruler who redacts all life through a "pedagogy" of reward and punishment and makes arbitrary supernatural interventions in life. Therefore, a fundamental ideological opposition has arisen between the religious belief constructions of the class cultures and the scientific worldview, which is supported by the results of several scientific fields of research. This also includes the research results of so-called ethnology. A summary of the ethnological research results of the last 150 years by a circle of professors made it clear as early as 1955 that the primitive peoples organize themselves in a relative way, so that there is no absolutist authority in the naturally organizing societies. To this day, the religion of the primitive peoples idealizes either special abilities of animals and creates a totem belief or believes in a unpersonal universal ghost. In contrast to what the absolutist religious constitutions of the class cultures do to the societies and nature of the earth to this day, the effects of a natural religion therefore remain relatively harmless. The absolutist cultural religion was invented in the early class culture for the purpose of neutralizing the natural social conscience of man to such an extent that the conscience of a heavenly world of gods invented by the master men could take its place and regulate the behavior of the cultured man. In order for a class culture to be able to organize itself permanently in a hierarchical way, so that only the "supreme" will of the master men in the culture (military, economy, politics) counts, the natural human first had to accept a supernatural religion for to be able to give up his natural self-will in whole or in part. This was already achieved in the early advanced civilizations mainly by producing both a supernatural enthusiasm and a supernatural fear in the common man with regard to the heavenly gods. As found clay tablets have shown, such a religious "agenda" was already implemented in a systematic way in the early high culture in Mesopotamia. Today we can conclude by a psychological review that the agenda of an emotional alternating polarity leads to a manic-depressive change in the human state through a supernatural enthusiasm and a supernatural fear, which can be maintained stably over a long period of time by an appropriate cultural policy.

The development of power of the priesthoods in the early advanced civilizations was limited due to a heaven inhabited by many gods, since a person could also turn to another god with a different priesthood. It is only the disappearance of this possibility of choice through the monotheistic religion that first asserted itself in the Jewish people that makes one of the fundamental consequences of the monotheistic religion clear to the viewer.

It was only after the captivity in Babylon that the Jews slowly but surely accepted the doctrine of a single almighty God, whom the Jewish religious founders had long postulated. Today we can understand in an empathich and psychological way that above all the religious claim that the Jews are the chosen people of a single almighty God was a temptation for the suffering Jews in the Babylonian Diaspora. This explains why the Jews have accepted an authoritarian, terrible, and sometimes sadistic God of trials and "educational" rewards and punishments, who has normalized a constant supernatural fear of a potentially tyrannical God in the Jewish worldview. It is also understandable today on the basis of the state of psychological knowledge that people who believe in such a God run the risk of panicking or allergic reactions all too quickly. This is especially the case if one interprets a misfortune in normal cultural life as a divine punishment.

From the modern point of view, the invention of an omnipotent, arbitrary supernatural God is a product of a human phantasy that has left behind all natural social standards of man. This led to a formation of an extremist Jewish class culture. The special position of power that the Jewish Sanhedrin (the leading interpreters of the religious faith) thus gained in the Jewish society was also made clear by the influence of the Sanhedrin on the political decisions of the Romans. Therefore we can assume that the supernatural fear and enthusiasm that the monotheistic Jewish God has aroused in the Jews has led to a fanatical attachment of the Jews to their religion and to a constant tension in the psyche of the believing Jews. Therefore the Jews were difficult for the Romans to govern, which is why the Jews were finally expelled from Israel by the Romans in 70 AD after an uprising. This marked the beginning of a long and momentous period of diaspora for the Jews.

During the time of the Diaspora, Jews in Western culture were forbidden to engage in most "decent" professions for a long time, which is why Jews increasingly concentrated on the trade in diamonds, luxury goods and slaves and on money and credit transactions. Since the wealth of the Jews had become exorbitant by the European wars by the 18th century and the Jews were increasingly able to gain a foothold in scientific professions, the envy and hatred for the Jews in Western culture became so acute that Jewish expulsions and pogroms against the Jews took place again and again.

A major reason that contributed to this hostility was the religious faith of the Jews, since as the chosen people of God, they not only remained increasingly among themselves, but also automatically regarded all other people and religions as "unchosen" people and thus as "inferior" people in their worldview. Such a belief communicates itself to the unchosen man in an underlying way through the facial expressions and gestures and has corresponding consequences. This destructive inner logic of believing in one's own chosenness has also been confirmed by the religious teaching of the Calvinists, who, following the teachings of Augustine, made a strict distinction between those chosen by God and those who were not chosen.

Even today, the Protestant forms of religion with a Calvinist character in America are characterized by a belief in chosenness and thus currently favor a disastrous political development. For a large part of the so-called evangelicals of America today, the belief in chosenness promotes absolutist egoism and racism and clouds and poisons the consciousness of the believers to such an extent that there is no social and political agreement in sight in America. This drift into a bottomless radicalism in the last 10 years is a consequence of the tendency of many Evangelicals to a supernatural and thus arbitrary Calvinist polarization between "chosen" master men and "unchosen" servant and slave people, which lives on in many Protestant conceptions of faith.Calvinism has also made the traditional religious demand for a special obedience of the "simple" person to the secular authorities appointed by God so intensified in its teachings through the demand of unconditional obedience even to the "whimsical" cultural authorities that Calvinist thought is now sprouting several strong black cultural blossoms in America.

According to Calvinist doctrine, the one "chosen" by God can be recognized by his social position. For this reason, too, the capitalist "striving for success" has already reached a fanatical quality not only in America, but in the entire Western world, as early as the turn of the millennium. As soon as a sufficient number of people consciously distance themselves from the traditional religious and political conceptions of class culture and demand a biological community organization, the many interpersonal conflicts of today will dissolve.


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The religious Isolation of People within today's Culture

Most people are aware of the basic "divide and rule" power agenda of class culture, but do not know exactly how this agenda affects their personal lives. This only becomes clear to the individual when he keeps in mind that the relative isolation of the individual, which has thus become normal in the culture, is a culturally determined isolation and not a naturally conditioned isolation.

For 5000 years, the social culture has been a place of abuse and downright denaturalization for every child, for which the parents and the mastermen of the class culture blame the "immoral" nature of the children. As a result, the class culture has become such an unnatural and unbearable culture for humans that even today's children still write the survival commandment "Thou shalt not notice" behind their ears and develop a regular family and social consciousness hole. Since the class culture pursues a programmatic exploitation of the lower cultural classes through the absolutist division of people into classes or castes, the class culture means an obligatory powerlessness for most children. As a result, many cultural children sooner or later come to repress their natural self into the subconscious for most of their everyday cultural life through their recognition: “where there is no ego, there is no pain”.

In place of the repressed natural self, most children and adults today cultivate an “adapted” artificial cultural ego that enables them to displace the intolerability of the “normal” cultural relationships through a supernatural self-manipulation, sensational entertainments and drugs of all kinds. Since the "normal" citizens of a class culture thus systematically pretend to be blind, deaf and mute to the unbearable nature of the class culture, they do not register how they increasingly separate themselves from their native nature and become inwardly isolated and lonely.

Above all, the religion of the class culture has always supported this process of isolation by also forcing the separation of man from the nature of the earth and the nature of the universe through the formation of a supernatural absolutist bubble of faith. Through this deliberate separation of man from his native nature, from the nature of the earth and from the nature of the universe, man becomes an isolated and thus an unnatural egoistic cultural citizen in the sense of the cultural "divide and rule" power agenda.

To this day, this downright "education" of the cultured man leads to the fact that man erects an ideological and emotional wall within his self-organization, which separates him from his spontaneous natural thinking, feeling and acting. In addition, humans cultivate an artificial abstract cultural ego that produces many different culture-oriented roles and behaviors of the superficial, factual and sweeping kind. As a result, the cultured man sooner or later becomes his own slave driver and "optimizes" his artificial behavior adapted to the culture in a progressive way. It therefore becomes "normal" even for the children of class culture that the natural self, which repeatedly returns from exile to the subconscious in "free time", is perceived as disturbing because it is too weak and too vulnerable for the "normal" everyday reality of class culture. From this degree of "adaptation" of a child, the normal "pedagogical" re-education of children by the class culture has achieved a first breakthrough. As a result, the child becomes increasingly adept at developing an artificial cultural ego through the recipe "hear nothing, see nothing and say nothing", which is characterized above all by iron nerves and a thick emotional skin. This "success" is only possible through a sustained betrayal of the child's native nature, which can be understood as a fundamental price that the class culture demands of all newborn children.

In this way, the children of culture build up a strong ideological wall against their innate natural self, against the nature of the earth and against the nature of the universe until adulthood, and thereby promote a class culture that constantly arbitrarily rises above nature. The supernatural, absolutist cultural ego necessary for this brings an absolutist ideological echo chamber to development through its various everyday behavioral roles, which is colloquially referred to today as a "bubble".As a result of this development, the child's natural self increasingly falls behind, so that it finally falls into a kind of Sleeping Beauty slumber, which usually lasts until physical death. This is the "fate" that class culture has caused most people in the last 5000 years and continues to cause today. The class culture therefore has a priceless price, which means constant human suffering and a relatively early "small death" for the innate natural self of man. To this day, people usually repress this "fate" through an absolutist self-discipline or through all kinds of sensational entertainments and drugs. But man can only really redeem this suffering if he ensures that the culture of class is replaced by a natural culture organization.

Many children today fall into the trap of an isolated life because they rely on the promises of their parents and the cultural authorities, who promise the child a "all-inclusive" cultural welfare for his or her adaptation to the culture. A child, as a rule, has no idea how realistic and plausible these promises are and therefore, according to his innate symbiotic nature, trusts in what his own parents and acquaintances believe and recommend. Therefore, for about 150 years now, children fall out of all idealistic clouds as soon as they realize that the capitalistic class culture produces false truths and lies in an extremely fatal, arbitrary way and does not stop at any ideological and emotional manipulation of the venial or violent kind in order to maintain the cultural system. The dishonest and unnatural norms of behaviour that have become "normal" in today's class culture, which are usually in favour of the "master men" and to the disadvantage of the "subjects", can disappoint a child so profoundly that it loses confidence in its own parents, in the culture and in life.

Such a fall into bottomlessness is usually accompanied by extreme feelings of disgust, which can become so strong that they trigger panicked and allergic reactions in the children. Since a child has no choice but to suppress these symptoms through the artificial cultural ego, it develops an absolutist authoritarian self-dictatorship, that turns the child into a blind, obedient cultural human being The resulting “well-behaved” cultural citizen no longer wants to see or hear anything that could potentially cause him traumatic experiences and sensitivities and thus generally becomes stubbornly blind to the real nature of his own culture.

The resulting stubborn social consciousness hole turns the "normal" cultural citizen into a constantly self-controlling and disciplining cultural servant who clings to everything already known and avoids everything unknown. As a result, the "normal" citizen of a class culture rejects cultural "experiments" even if they offer him a real biological redemption from his inner conflicts. Most people today are in this mental state.

It is therefore of no use to today's cultured person to constantly complain that the promises of a class culture are not fulfilled in a way that is adequate for human nature, since the lowclasses within the class culture always remains  exploited man who has to cope with countless disappointments. The obligatory course of this human "fate" within a class culture carries the risk of a serious mental or emotional illness in the long run, since the thoughts, feelings and actions of many people in the class culture fulfill today's definition of insanity: To constantly hold on to certain behaviors and yet always hope for a different result than the result that occurs. Only when today's people realize that there is a method to this madness produced by the culture of class he also understand that countless people today are suffering the same fate as he himself and that he is not as alone as he feels. In this way, he can moderate his disappointments, which are often perceived as "personal" insults, and channel his anger in a new way so that it is no longer directed against himself, against fellow human beings or against other scapegoats.

Even today, many people complain in a regular way about the capitalist cultural paradise promised to them in childhood and sometimes complain about it to God. As a result, they get into a bottomless ideological vicious circle, because the master men have already invented a heaven of gods in the early class cultures, so that the normal anger in the cultural lower classes is not directed against themselves, but against an imaginary authority in heaven. To this end, the culture of class and the supernatural human behaviour that arises in it was mirrored in heaven in order to shift the responsibility for cultural grievances to heaven and to make the gods responsible for the unbearable fate of the many. Through this "normal" transfer of the cultural responsibilities to a heavenly world, today's master men can still help itself to the economic honeypot of the peoples in a relatively unmolested way "in the name of God". Therefore, as long as man directs his complaints and aggression to the scapegoats invented by the master men of culture, he stands in his own way for a better cultural solution.

Many people today cling to the hope that they will someday experience justice, compensation or healing for all the suffering and for all the injustices endured within their culture. However, since their suffering has been caused by a "normal" unnatural class culture, there is also no effective biological instance to which man could turn for reparation or healing. It is therefore important that the persönal inner conflicts and disturbances are understood as supernatural products of an unnatural class culture, that cannot be compensated or improved but at best let go. Only through this insight and through a targeted design of new biological relationships and communities can a real relief from these conflicts be achieved. Today's cultured person usually realizes the concept "where there is no natural self, there is no pain". Thereby he locks his natural self in a basement dungeon in his subconscious for most of the day.

The human being can therefore only realize a modern natural self-organization if he changes the constitution of his artificial cultural ego in such a way that the imprisoned natural ego again has sufficient leeway in everyday life. This is not an easy task, since the artificial cultural ego of today's man, like the master men of class culture, likes to imagine that he knows everything better than nature itself. As a result, there are some hurdles that are not easy to overcome in the way of the realization of an empathetic and symbiotic community culture. The absolutist cultural ego of today's man, like the culture of class itself, knows at best a feigned morality, but no real social or biological morality. As a result, the artificial cultural ego can usually assert itself relatively easily against the relatively self-organizing natural ego. Today's human being is therefore faced with the task of changing his self-generated absolutist cultural ego in such a way that the natural ego once again has the say in its self-organization. For this it is necessary that the individual dissolves today's culturally determined egocentric roles of his artificial cultural ego and creates a basic biological behavioral framework for his cultural ego. Only in this way can a natural self that takes the lead again and a biologically modified cultural ego complement each other in a constructive way. Such a solution is the most important prerequisite for the success of a permanently stable biological democracy, in which appropriate natural respect for human nature, for the nature of the earth and for universal nature is obligatory.

We know today, that life on earth is like a continuum in which all living things are connected. Man's isolation from his own nature, from the nature of the earth and from the universe, which has arisen above all from the religious views of class cultures, has led to an unnatural "sinful" separation of man from his natural connection with life. The word sin has a Greek root (Hamartia = to miss the mark) and a Germanic root (Sund = the separation of God and man). An ancient religious interpretation understands sin as a sinful state that gives birth to sinful deeds, so that we can develop a view of sin based on the religious knowledge gathered to date that differs significantly from the view of the Roman Catholic Church and the views of the Protestant forms of religion. Since the traditional forms of religion of Western culture do not see sin as a pathological sinful state that gives birth to sinful deeds, these forms of religion assume an ominous evil in man and in the world, which causes a bottomless fear to religious people to this day.

The old understanding of the sin as a sinful state that gives birth to sinful deeds leads to a clear identification of class culture as the cause of man's tragic separation from nature. Thanks to modern science, we can now well understand that this separation was initiated by the invention of absolutist personified gods by the respective religious founders of the class culture. Therefore, we can also consider the universe as an omnipresent, impersonal and relative "divine" being that generates dynamic processes in the universe through a living polarity of order and freedom. These processes have led, among other things, to a special natural evolution on Earth, which contains the universal (divine) being.

To this day, the various monotheistic world religions concentrate on the sinful separation of man from God. In doing so, they block the increasingly necessary awareness that class culture has caused a separation of man from the universal nature and still cause a destructive separation of man from the nature of the earth and from his own native nature. As long as man cultivates an absolutist religious worldview, which immunizes an unnatural striving for power of today's "master men" through the religious concept of a God's viceship on earth, he cannot redeem himself from the pathological state of sin that arises as a result.

Religious and ideological ideas of the supernatural kind therefore still develop a devastating impact today, which can have an effect on a person's entire thinking, feeling and behavior. As a rule, man's capacity for imagination makes a significant contribution to this, as absolutist religious beliefs can solidify a high degree of distortion in a person's views and beliefs through "consistent" conclusions. Also the human fantasy can get into a pathological, sinful state through an arbitrary "liberation" from all natural and social standards and produce sinful ideas and deeds non-stop. This makes it tangible how much a religion can contribute to a culture losing itself in ideological chaos and becoming insane.


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The Birth of a modern biological Cultural Community


The birth of a modern biological cultural community Today's increasingly drastic cultural symptoms raise the legitimate question of the extent to which the "master humans" of today's class culture think, feel and act in a healthy way. Above all, the class relationships within a class culture, which have already been sufficiently discredited by the modern social sciences, lead to a downright aberration of man into unnatural behaviors even today. Today, therefore, man does not lack suitable tools, neither knowledge nor a desire to organize himself in a biological way, but a natural symbiotic and empathetic ability to relate to others.Humans have lost this actually natural predisposition to social interaction to a considerable extent through the constant realization of a class culture. The sado-masochistic perpetrator-victim relationship (master human - servant human), which has thus remained normal in class cultures to this day, inevitably prevents any approach to a holistic biological cultural organization. A constructive holistic democracy can therefore only be achieved if people consciously replace the traditional unnatural constellations of relationships with natural empathic and symbiotic relationships.

The psychotherapist M. Scott Peck tells in his book "Community Building" that he had experienced several spontaneous natural community formations in his life, so that he has developed a special seminar for natural community building. As a result, he was also able to gain a lot of experience as a leader of weekend seminars in terms of natural, inclusive (unconditionally accepting of all members), binding, empathetic and symbiotic community building.We can understand this high-quality community building as the normal form of natural communitization, since such communitization can arise within a relatively short period of time through a deep human longing for such communitization. This longing is therefore the actual leader of a weekend seminar, which, according to M. Scott Peck, can only successfully end in biological community formation if it takes place without authoritarian leadership. As a result, the organizer of the workshop essentially remains a companion of a natural community process, in which he only intervenes to correct or help if the community development process is blocked by a group member for too long.

As M. Scott Peck explaines in his book, in a biological community formation, all group members create a new community being that includes all group members equally. After a weekend workshop, this community dissolves relatively quickly due to the return of the members to their everyday cultural life. Only in a permanent community or municipality can biological communitarisation be maintained and stabilised in the long term through a regular reinforcement of the community. This way, a biological community can ultimately become relatively resilient to disruptive external influences and exist also within a class culture.

Above all, the artificial cultural ego, which is obligatorily developed by the people of a class culture, ensures through its current orientation towards a rather antisocial egocentric capitalism that man appropriates all natural values in an unnatural antisocial way. This inevitably results in considerable disturbances in all interpersonal relationships, which prevent a biological communitization of humans.

As early as 1950, many professors of ethnology summarized the ethnological researches and published a documentation on the general characteristics of the natural human self-organization. Therefor we can assume today in a secured way that an including, binding, empathetic and symbiotic relationship- and community building is an central part of natural human self-organization. A holistic democratic cultural design therefore is far less absurd for the homo sapiens than many people believe today.

Today's "normal" relatively unstable, superficial and objective cultural relationships create a chronic sense of insecurity in people, so that modern capitalistically organized human being has increasingly neglected his social life insurance and largely replaced it with a material life insurance. Only the conscious cultivation of a biological democracy with a corresponding biological community formation can cancel out the increasingly threatening consequences of this self-organization for today's humans. An aid to this process of transformation is the knowledge of the following 4 phases of a biological community building process

1. The phase of the pseudo-community. In this first phase of community building, group members usually try to achieve an immediate emotional connection. The niceties and courtesies that are realized in this way lead to a deceptively real communitarization through the goal of the members not to offend anybody and to keep everything in "the best order and harmony". This means, that the artificial cultural ego of the group members is in charge, so that the natural self of all group members remains in the subconscious. As a result, also the repressed pain and frustration about the fact that the social culture forces the individual to betray his natural self and suppress it into the subconscious remains hidden.In this way, the group members deceive each other about their true inner sensitivities, so that no constructive natural process towards biological community building can take place.

These inner blockages are caused by the "normal" culturally conditioned adaptation strategy of the artificial cultural ego, which organizes itself in an extremely disciplined absolutist way through the agenda of a "hear nothing, see nothing and say nothing" and the resulting rule "thou shalt not notice anything". Therefore, the essential condition that M. Scott Peck cites for a successful biological community building is the vulnerability of the members, which arises from a voluntary openness and a corresponding social trust. Without such an conscious openness of the group, no natural community can arise, because the absolutistically acting cultural ego otherwise keeps the relatively acting natural self permanently in repression.

The phase of the pseudo-community therefore usually remains dominated by the supernatural cultural ego, which sends all kinds of culture-conditioned everyday behavioral roles into the race, so that the relationships in the community remain relatively superficial, objective and controlled. As a rule, the members are not sufficiently aware of these culture-conditioned behavioral strategies, which become normal due to the necessity of supernatural self-protection within the class culture. This self-protection is necessary because the arbitrariness of the master men in today's class culture can take the individual by surprise and make him feel deeply insecure. For this reason, the group does not create any real commitment within the first phase of the pseudo-community, as the participants remain in the echo chamber of their own cultural survival strategy and are usually not yet ready for a truly open and honest exchange in the group. W. Scott Peck reports on a weekend workshop with a group of people who had all completed psychoanalysis and were practiced in feigning an artificial vulnerability accompanied by the sharing of intimate details from their personal lives. As long as this "show" of the artificial cultural ego only feigns the opening of the natural ego and thus de facto prevents it, the community inevitably remains a pseudo-community. Within such a pseudo-community, the members avoid all real difficulties, so that the individual differences of the group members are not recognized and are left out.

2. The phase of chaos.As soon as the group participants notice that the normal strategy of pseudo-harmony does not work and that also the usually used roles of healer and proselytizer only have negative consequences, the first aggressive reactions and frustrations due to the ongoing failure of the group appear. Since an artificial cultural ego internalizes many supernatural expectations and demands from the outside in the course of time and makes them its own ,the artificial cultural ego activates also some megalomaniac mental constitutions. This sometimes leads to the fact that the artificial ego roles of the healer and proselytizer create such pressure within the group that the respective victims revolt and in turn try to heal the healers and convert the proselytizers. This leads to relationship chaos in the group with an explosive potential. For this reason, the phase of chaos is to be understood as a real phase in which the artificial cultural ego leads all its idealistically generated behavioral roles into the field and goes into a rage, because none of these rolesbear fruit. The group members must survive this phase in order to become a real empathetic and symbiotic community.

As a rule, during the phase of chaos, the individual differences of the group participants become clear for the first time, so that the cultural ego begins to bring the "deviants" from "normal" cultural behavior back on track by smoothing out all alienating views or, if push comes to shove, "combats". The phase of chaos is therefore a phase of fighting and wrestling, so that it can also result in attacks against the leadership style of the group leader, the demand for an authoritarian group leadership or even the attempt to take over the leadership of the group by some group members. However, as M. Scott Peck points out, an authoritarian leadership style is synonymous with the failure of natural group formation, which is why there can be no guarantee of success for a natural community building process through a workshop.If a split occurs in the group due to a massive activity of the cultural ego of several people, then the further path of communitization can become extremely rocky for the group members, until they finally reach the 3rd phase of emptiness or fail.

3. The phase of emptiness. According to M. Scott Peck, the third phase of emptiness is the most difficult phase for natural community building, as it represents the bridge from chaos to real community and presupposes a corresponding elimination from all obstacles to real community building. This also means the abandonment of rock-solid beliefs that the cultural ego usually generates in order to justify the displacement of the natural ego into the subconscious.Here, therefore, the essential struggle takes place in the group members between their artificial cultural ego and the natural self, which has brought back to life. Only when the cultural ego experiences a small death through the will of those affected and the group members thereby stop pressing their group relationships into preconceived cultur-caused forms, can real empathic and symbiotic relationships arise through a ever-stronger bcoming natural self. W Scott Peck sees this process as an inwardly emptying of egocentric views, each of which prevents the unpredictable individuality of the other group members from being accepted. The "normal" adherence to the fixed norms and behavioral habits of the cultural ego must therefore be overcome independently by each group member, so that a real biological community connection can develop. Only when the group members succeed in realizing a small death of their cultural ego in an independent way can the natural self reactivate itself in a sufficient way. If this succeeds, there is an empathetic community connection that is perceived as wonderful, which seems to arise out of nowhere. 4. The phase of the biological community. The miraculous emergence of a real community bond is arising out of nowhere, because the resulting binding empathic and symbiotic relation of all group members to each other represents the natural concept of relationships and community of human nature. Therefore, it is sufficient for a group of people to remove the obstacles to spontaneous natural community formation for natural community formation to occur like by itself. The prerequisite for such a communitization is therefore a still intact inner longing of man for a natural community, which is not infrequently permanently overlaid within today's class culture by the capitalist "ideals" of maximum effectiveness of actions and the maximum profit return. The community building of the inclusive, binding, empathetic and symbiotic kind that arises in a spontaneous way is not a miracle out of nowhere, but results from an inner human urge. This urge can become so strong that it can switch off the artificial cultural ego temporarily or even for a longer period of time, as the natural community is a fundamental biological life insurance for humans. As long as a person longs for such a natural life insurance, he is not lost, because as soon as the opportunity presents itself, he can come back to becoming part of a constructive natural community as if by himself.

Only those who understand these natural connections can also understand why today's capitalist class culture with the help of the modern media ensures an ever more effective poisoning of human consciousness and for constant blossoms of a supernatural human fear. Here the obligatory class war becomes tangible in the class culture, which today is also referred to as a war of the rich against the poor. This war is an essential reason for the supernatural adaptation of man to the capitalist culture of class through the development of an artificial culture ego.

As a rule, the revived natural self is still relatively weak after a successful natural community building, so that a great empathic mindfulness on the part of all group members is necessary in order not to unnecessarily burden or injure the weak natural self. It has therefore proven helpful for group members to lie down next to each other in silence and enjoy their fellowship in silence. The "normal" suppression of the natural ego within a class culture, which is an essential condition for the sustainable maintenance of the class culture, leads in the course of the growing up of a child of culture to an increasing repression of the natural ego into a dungeon in the subconscious.In today's capitalist class culture, this usually has the consequence that most people neglect their natural social life insurance and try to replace it for the most part with material life insurance. Since the "experts" of capitalism demand an unnatural material egocentricity from the citizens in order to keep capitalism alive, the natural self is often repressed into the subconscious and is getting therefor weaker and weaker. It therefore usually takes a longer period of recovery for the natural self to regain its strength and to ward off and stands attacks from outside. A corresponding constant mindfulness is therefore an important prerequisite for the progressive stabilisation of a biological community.Many people have already experienced spontaneous binding community formations in their lives, such as at a meeting of relatives, in kindergarten or at school. Even in the phase of puberty, in which the adolescents are looking for new orientations, binding empathetic relationship and community experiences occur again and again. Anyone who remembers such community experiences can ascertain that he had no other wishes during this time of community solidarity, because it was a time of happiness, security and contentment.

In his book "A New Ethics for the World", M. Scott Peck draws attention to a second essential deficiency in culture, which he describes as a hole in awareness of the nature and mode of action of today's culture. In this regard, he reports on some lectures that have made clear that most people do not want to know anything about this subject and sometimes demonstratively refuse to deal with the cultural constitution. Here, too, as in his book Community Building, M. Scott Peck hits an important nerve for the today's problems of man organizing themself in a healthy way. The psychologist in M. Scott Peck has clearly recognized and outlined the essential problems of today's human psyche. However, the Christian M. Scott Peck, due to his strong reference to the Christian religion, has remained relatively blind to the religious causes of the two central problems of today's psyche of man. Therefore, the future prospects formulated by M. Scott Peck in his books are relatively vague and subdued.

The natural individuality of the human being is characterized by the special abilities for creativity, imagination and a correspondingly flexible and liberal organization of life. Therefore, unlike animals, the human child does not have a mature, relatively fixed instinct organization, but a brain that enables humans to develop an individual world view and an individual self-organization.

This relatively easy to understand individual mode of organization of human nature is influenced by a second natural organizational complex of a special family formation. Based on the results of scientific research, we can today assume that human sexuality has oriented itself towards a monogamous family organization, so that it gives family life strong motivating impulses within the reproductive phase through its constant activity. This is important because a human child goes through an 18-year maturation period during which it needs a constant support from its parents. As we know today, the child learns the art of forming relationships primarily through the so-called identification with its parents and relatives, by "scanning" the behaviour of the parents into his consciousness. As a result, the facial expressions and gestures of the parents are sometimes imitated so exactly by the children that some parents are embarrassed by them. The family organization is therefore to be understood as an intensive and complex community, which has a decisive shape on people's lives.

Since the archaeological discovery that Homo erectus organized himself already 400,000 years ago through a village community in which each family lived in its own hut, we assume that the human nature has realized also a special community logistics. The research of ethnology has enriched our understanding of this community logistics in many respects. The community organization of the primitive peoples of modern times included a council of the heads of families, which was usually formed by the fathers of the family, since the man was responsible for the family's foreign policy and the woman for the family's domestic policy. The council of heads of families was supplemented by a relative office of the chief as a leader of the council and as a guide for hunting expeditions and military conflicts. In addition, a medicine man held a relative community office and was responsible for curing diseases and holding religious rites.

The invention of an absolutist authoritarian "god-king" and a corresponding priesthood as a religious "governorship of a god on earth" in the early advanced civilizations was therefore a blatant paradigm shift within the human community organization, as it replaced the natural relative offices in the communities of the primitive peoples with absolutist "divine" offices. The consequence of this supernatural cultural paradigm shift was the emergence of an absolutist class culture that integrated all members into estates, classes and castes, thereby replacing the natural equality of people within the primitive peoples with a "right of the strongest". As a result, a veritable class war, a gender war and a family war has arisen in the class cultures, which still exists today and are currently producing strong black blossoms in almost all cultures. Above all for this reason, today's man can still confront his self-organization, his family organization and his local self-organization, but not his unnatural and unbearable cultural constitution, which eludes natural human understanding, gives man numerous traumatic experiences and causes a large hole in human consciousness.

Since today's capitalist culture of class strongly contaminates and perverts not only the nature of the earth, but also the nature of man, it becomes understandable why man today has to struggle with great problems in all his relationships with himself, with his family members and with the members of his local community. The professional blind cow game that the cultural lower class and the middle class play in relation to these problems blinds people in a positivistic way to the fact that society is increasingly losing its supporting social ground, so that culture slowly but surely turns into a destructive concert of wishes of today's master men. Since the turn of the millennium, the preceding democratic realpolitik has turned into a political religion that has become more and more insane because it legalizes a corporate policies that allow corporations to largely disregard the "interests" of the earth's nature and human nature. The moral degeneration, which has thus taken hold of the entire sphere of activity of the cultural upper class and which the simple civilized person has only superficially confronted to this day, has led in recent years to a moral cultural swamp that increasingly transforms the human cultural life into a mental, emotional and physical struggle for survival.

Children who are in need today because their family is only capable of a superficial pseudo-community and the family tends to alternate between phases of chaos and emptiness suffer greatly from the resulting mental deprivations and injuries. Since children are still capable of spontaneous binding friendships, they are usually aware that the relationships in the families of their friends are also complicated. As a result, they tend to prefer the known evils of their own family to the unknown evils of other families. This maxim sometimes persists throughout life and leads children to downright pathological relationship compromises, with the tendency that they remain in destructive relationships for too long as adults because they believe they have no other choice. Children who have grown up in a family pseudo-community usually have no idea that there are also real biological family communities and communities, as they cannot identify such social constellations due to lack of experience. Children normally grasp reality also in an intuitive way, so many children develop a longing for empathetic and symbiotic relationships that usually lasts their entire lives. This longing inevitably experiences no redemption as long as those affected do not have sufficient ideas about what a fulfilling natural social relationship is like and functions.

Due to their longing for symbiotic relationships, many children and adults today repeatedly come across dazzlers who are "successful" above all because they offer the seekers a space and an opportunity for community experiences that go beyond the superficial relationship and community experiences of everyday cultural life. The success of such relationships and group formations is as a rule based more on the human longing for a biological community than on the charisma, knowledge or the skills of the workshop leaders.

Today, therefore, humans are not as far removed from a biological culture as they commonly believe. All that is needed today is a spark of knowledge that falls into the darkness of the social consciousness hole of all cultured people and causes a conflagration there. If this leads to a cultural "know your culture" agenda that fills the gap in society's consciousness, then it is only a matter of time before humans create a natural home for themselves on Earth and stop compulsively "improving" the way of life of all natural creatures on Earth.

As soon as a person consciously detaches himself from his passive-receptive behavioral recipes, which correspond to the traditional behavior of a cultural slave, and begins to develop new active-occupusive behavioral recipes for the conscious co-creation of his environment and his culture, he is also able to dissolve his current culture-related anxiety states. For 5000 years now, the class culture is producing completely arbitrary, unnatural ideas and demands in culture in an extremely stubborn way. Since then, the simple people of culture have been trying to alleviate the diffuse supernatural fears and traumatic experiences that arise as a result by trying to harden themselves against them. The more those affected confront themselves with fear-mongering ideas of the supernatural and traumatic kind, the more they inevitably poison their own worldview in a tragic way. The naturally conceived human consciousness cannot process supernatural fears and supernatural traumatic experiences in a natural way. This creates a real vicious circle of supernatural anxiety generation within the psychological self-organization of those affected, which over time leads to corresponding anxiety disorders. The only solution to this psychic pitfall is to no longer allow oneself to spin ideas that create a supernatural fear, and and to and to abandon the idea of hardening the psyche against supernatural fears By taking tiny doses of snake venom, it is possible to achieve a certain immunization against snake bites, because this hardening takes place within a biological framework. However, a supernatural fear or traumatic experience has no natural framework and is bottomless, so that the attempt to harden up remains not only unsuccessful, but can become extremely counterproductive.

Culture today polarizes the supernatural fears it produces with a supernatural enthusiasm for the technical and economic achievements of culture. For 200 years, these achievements have only been possible through a relative deprivation of rights, enslavement and binding (practical constraints) of humans to authoritarian pyramidal human machines of the hierarchical kind, such as in a cultural military machine. As soon as a man is developing a superficial and ultimately unnatural enthusiasm for all the "sensational" cultural products through a blindness to the methods of production of culture and their consequences, he inevitably becomes a tragic fool with regard to his own cultural "destiny".

Since the turn of the millennium, the simple man of culture has begun to concentrate on his personal interests due to the supernatural polarization of culture that is becoming increasingly unbearable in many respects. As a result he has also largely left the family and local conditions in culture to an imaginary "fate". This has created a cultural hype for the erection of illusory idealistic castles in the air in culture, through which the increasingly isolated human being tries to maintain a positivistic motivation for life.

The degeneration of interpersonal relationships and community formations, which has already become obvious as a result, is usually excused by the individual with generalised phrases: "The individual can't change anything anyway, it's always been that way", etc., etc. As a result, many people stubbornly insist on the arbitrary hope of being able to keep their personal life organization under control in the long term. This is increasingly proving to be a tragic error today, since the lobbyists of the economy, the military and the bureaucracy have been enforcing the interests of the "master men" in the cultures since the turn of the millennium without any recognizable morality and without any social or biological responsibility. As a result, cultural relations are shifting unchecked in favor of the master race and to the disadvantage of ordinary people in the direction of a global cultural dictatorship. The preliminary results of this cultural agenda already make it clear that the common man can no longer simply leave his cultural affairs to the "master men" and "experts" in his culture. Most of the master men and experts today cultivate ruthless authoritarian behavioral strategies, stemming from a bottomless megalomaniacal lust for power, which amount to turning the world into a labor concentration camp, a weapons depot, an agrarian desert, and a human relationship desert. As long as the citizen stays out of all these pathological unnatural developments as far as possible, as if this cultural development did not concern him, sooner or later he will fail because of his cultural consciousness hole.

Basically, man today has all the knowledge, all the tools and all the necessary tools at their disposal to realize a global biological democracy of the empathetic and symbiotic kind. Based on the cultural symptoms of the last 150 years, we can realize that for a sustainable and resilient biological democracy, it is necessary for the citizen to be able to influence the media, money, the economy, the military and the bureaucracy through a real democratic control power. This is necessary to prevent a "privatized" world dominated by a few power-addicted master men, who, as we can already realize today, consider the earth and everything that lives on it to be their future privat property.

The basic cultural designig instruments for a biological democracy are not known by many people today, since the cultural consciousness hole of the people have been filled too much with all kinds of questionable entertainments and product advertisements since the turn of the millennium. A constructive remedy of the cultural awareness gap and a participation of all citizens in shaping culture is no longer an organizational problem today, as effective Internet voting platforms can be created for this purpose in a relatively short time. The realization of a global biological democracy of the empathetic and symbiotic kind is therefore no longer a question of possibilities, but a question of human will. Therefore, today's man must first of all remember that he has such a will at his disposal.


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The Realisation of an independant local Monetary Organisation


At the end of the 19th century Silvio Gesell, a German merchant in Argentina, conducted a research on the economic and monetary system in Argentina due to Argentina's economic crisis at that time. He came to the conclusion that it is above all a even velocity of circulation of money that stabilizes the economic cycle, regardless of whether it is a local or national economic cycle. He then developed the new concept of a so-called freemoney and published his research results in a book. In 1932, the mayor of Wörgl in Tyrol applied Silvio Gesell's Freigeld concept in Wörgl in view of the serious economic consequences of the stock market crash of 1929. Within only a short time, the economic cycle in Wörgl got going and stabilized the trade in such an astonishing way that the success was finally described by the press as the miracle of Wörgl. This success made it clear that the freemoney could be successfully implemented at any time in an decentralised way within a municipality or small town, so that more than 100 mayors in the area and interested parties from other countries came to Wörgl to see the economic success in Wörgl with their own eyes. This success was so considerable that the businessmen in Wörgl were able to pay their taxes to the municipality in advance. Since the miracle of Wörgl became generally known through press reports, the Tyrolean state government banned the freemoney. After an objection by the municipality, the freemoney was finally banned in a court hearing on 18 November 1933, so that Wörgl subsequently fell into an economic depression again.

The easily comprehensible development in Wörgl provided an explanation for why the withdrawal of American credit money from Germany and Austria in the course of the stock market crash of 1929 caused such economic misery. Due to the lack of money, the velocity of money has been fallen below the level which was necessary for the healthy economic cycle. Where money had become too scarce, which was the case not only in Germany and Austria, but also in America due to a corresponding monetary policy of the Federal Reserve Bank, the economy stagnated for a long period of time. Anyone who can understand this simple but essential factor for a flourishing economy can also understand why the simple natural exchange money, which early man already used through shells, pearls and other "money" through a corresponding joint agreement of all tribal members, is the be-all and end-all for a lively barter. The agreement of a community on a medium of exchange valid for all accelerates the flow of exchange in a fundamental way. This is easy to understand with a concrete example. Without money a farmer who has more than enough apples and needs a wagon wheel must first find a wagon wheelmaker who is interested in apples .By using a neutral medium of exchange, the farmer can sell his apples to anyone interested and then use the money to go to a wagon wheel maker to buy his wagon wheel. The valuable thing about money as a medium of exchange is therefore a time saving and energy saving, which means a "win-win" situation for all people participating in it.

The special thing about Silvio Gesell's free money was the deliberate reduction of money hoarding, which has become a form of supernatural wealth storage under capitalism. Money hoarding was and is a considerable factor of uncertainty for the velocity of money in a country. ,Not even a central bank is always in a position to react in time to a rapid decline in the real money supply in circulation due to a sudden massive hoarding of money. Such an event can result in a stock market crisis or economic crisis. The only way to keep the velocity of money stable is not to pay interest on the money and to impose a small monthly penalty tax on it, which must be paid by the person in whose possession of a banknote it is. This is an effective measure to keep the velocity of money at a sufficient level and to stabilize the economy as a whole.

The "Miracle of Wörgl" was therefore by no means a miracle, but a simple monetary agreement, which could be achieved by the municipality having so-called "labour value certificates" with a nominal value of 1, 5 and 10 schillings printed by a local printer. On these notes there were small free fields into which a small tax stamp should be glued each month in order to achieve a sufficiently high velocity of circulation of the money. For this reason, the free money in Wörgl was also referred to as shrinkage money.

Anyone who understands the principle of shrinkage money or free money can comprehend why the Wörgl labour certificates became a thorn in the side of the Tyrolean state government. Capitalist interest money does not work at the local level and always requires a national bank for a relative regulation of the money supply and the velocity of money circulation. The background to this is that both capitalist interest money and the arbitrarily invented supernatural concept of property must be protected by the state in an absolutist way in order for the magic trick of the constant increase in money and goods through the capitalist loan agreement to work. As a result, capitalist interest money always remains a factor of uncertainty for the capitalist economy.

This factor of uncertainty has been intensified to this day by the insane liberalization of the monetary economy and stock exchange regulation after a considerable change in financial policy by Roland Reagan, so that today's financial system has become a wildly rampant cancer of a bottomless greed for money and power. As a result, since the turn of the millennium, interest money, the blood of the capitalist economic cycle, has become a life-threatening cultural drug for man, on which above all the financial elites  become intoxicated in a bottomless way

This makes it clear today that a biological cultural organization can only be organized sustainably through freemoney, since this does not result in such concentrations of capital and power as have arisen in culture over the last 70 years through capitalist compound interest. Today's overload of nature, which slowly but surely pulls the natural ground from under people's feet, is pre-programmed by capitalist interest rate regulation, since compound interest does not cause long-term money to grow linearly, but exponentially. This is made clear by the example of the so-called Josephcent. If a cent had been invested in the year O with an annual interest rate of 5%, the money invested would have grown to a value of several globes of gold by today. (see Wikipedia Josephscent)

The carcinogenic effect of interest-money becomes comprehensible above all by the fact that the created interest-money, like property, has been constituted and ideologized in an absolutist way. Money has a paramount value in today's human worldview, since capitalist interest money has become a means for a supernatural material life insurance for all civilized people. Money that exists in the form of numbers in an imaginary account, unlike fruits or products, cannot rot, spoil, scratch, rust or otherwise break. As a result, it offers the rich people today a supernatural guarantee of existence, since the economic cycle is now secured by supernatural mass production, which is to a large extent the property of the rich people.

Since the introduction of a neoliberal economic policy (liberalized turbo-capitalism) 40 years ago, the rich masters have been able to leave their money in an interest-bearing account and live solely on this interest without the money becoming less. Today, therefore, we are no longer dealing with a natural economy, but with a supernatural economy, which turns out to an advantage for  the master men and to a disadvantage for the simple citizens. This is no longer just an update of the Roman "bread and circuses" power politics, but a cultural cancer that man cultivates in an immoderate way. Today, this cancer operates on a global level and can develop relatively unhindered in a "progressive" way through the involvement of the state in capitalism as an insurer and guarantor of property and interest money. It is therefore important that today's man can distinguish between a natural medium of exchange money and a supernatural capitalist monetary constitution, so that he knows what a sustainable biological economy can look like and what demands he must develop and represent in this regard today.

For more information on how today's economy works, see the book: The transformation of the class culture.


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The Reversal of Cause and Effect as a second essential Power Agenda of the Master Men of Class Culture


In addition to the power formula "divide and rule", which is already known to many people, the modern master men realizes a second undergrounded power formula of the arbitrary reversal of cause and effect. In doing so, he causes the "ordinary" people supernatural feelings of guilt for exactly the symptoms that the master men produces through a professional unbearable behavior and today's corporations produce through a direct or indirect creation of unbearable cultural constraints".

Sooner or later, this leads to corresponding overreactions of the people affected by it in the form of panic and allergic reactions, which mean a general severe trap for the citizens of a class culture. The special life-saving, panic or allergic reactions of all animals caused by a life-threatening situation dissolve again when the threatening situation ends. In the case of the cultured man, however, who is always tangible for the "master men" in the modern class culture, the panic and allergic states remain latent, so that those affected have to struggle too often or even constantly with bottomless panic and allergic reactions. As a result, the person who reacts panicked or allergic to a cultural authority (mother, father, employer, civil servant, etc.) is trapped into a trap that is listed in the catalogue of diseases of psychology under the term neurotic illness.

This disease means that the human being can no longer really rely on his rational mind, since the special program of nature for acute threats to life fades out the thinking and concentrates all the forces of the organism on the panicked flight or the allergic assault. Through this "neurotic weakness" the master men can too easily persuade those affected that the panic and the allergic reaction are not healthy, but pathological malignant reactions, which must be "treated" or punished. If this completely arbitrary interpretation of a master men prevails, then the actual underlying cause-and-effect sequence within the relationship those affected an the master men is turned into the opposite.

This already very old recipe for power of the master men caused especially through the Inquisition a strong trauma in the soul of the Western civilized man in the Thirty Years' War from 1618 to 1648, which has been transfered until today in the form of the natural identification of children with their parents. The Gordian knot of a bottomless fear of being "evil", which still exists today in many people, was strengthened by the psychological interpretation of human instincts. A a result the inversion of cause and effect is still a cause of numerous mental illnesses and for a successful sickening power agenda of master men.

In the last 10 years, the master men of culture has "succeeded" in an astonishing reversal of the biological cause-and-effect sequence in relation to the constant cultural overload and poisoning of human nature and the nature of the earth. Since the master men has succeeded in making the purchasing decisions of the individual responsible for the nature of the earth and the global working situation of man in the general world views of man, the current cultural situation, which is becoming more and more threatening, does not dissolve. Instead, the situation is intensified by a general pathological blindness of people to the real daily "side effects" that the business of global corporations generates in a progressive way.

It is completely absurd to assume that the "consumer" has all the expert knowledge for the information depicted on the labels of today's consumer products that is needed to be able to evaluate the complex nature of a product in terms of its respective social and natural compatibility. This requires a great deal of specialist knowledge, the evaluation of which cannot be achieved for each product in less than 3 hours of intensive research into its background. Modern man does not have that much time, as he has to work and master complex survival logistics in today's culture. Since production processes, food additives, production logistics, etc. can change at any time in globalized trade, the individual is not in a position to take permanent responsibility for capitalism. From a biological point of view, the responsibility for a product and for its effects always lies with those who produce this product. Otherwise, it would be like this, like a person who slaps another person in the face blames the slapped person who has been slapped for the event, because he could have trained his reflexes better by practicing a martial art. The perversion of the arbitrary transfer of the natural responsibility from the master men to the "simple" person today includes not only consumption, but also social policy and media production, so that many people are already hopelessly overwhelmed by the resulting overall cultural situation. Due to their professional irresponsibility, the master men can poison the human being at will with freely accessible Internet, with lies, with half-truths, with insolence to the point of bottomlessness and with other direct or indirect culture-related intolerables, and still hold the individual responsible for the cultural "fate" that arises from it.

With regard to guilt, man must therefore learn to distinguish between a natural constructive feeling of guilt and a supernatural destructive feeling of guilt. Humans no longer have the majority of animal instincts, as they have instead developed special abilities for a free, creative and individual life organisation. As a result, the human being is profoundly dependent on a social community, since the human child has to undergo a complex development lasting 18 years until it reaches its natural independence. Therefore, the views of many primitive peoples coincide in the fact that an entire village is necessary for the successful natural development of a child. For humans, therfore the relationship with their family members, friends, acquaintances and tribal members is vital.For this reason, extremely serious feelings of guilt sometimes arise in a person as soon as he endangers his social relationships and thus his natural life insurance through an antisocial behavior. The guilty conscience that arises in this way serves both self-preservation and the preservation of the species and therefore has a special assertiveness.

Only those who take into account this natural feeling of guilt of man both in its significance and in its assertiveness can also understand that since the realization of the class culture, the master men have strategically used this "weak point" of man by constantly disturbing social relations in culture through a "divide and rule" agenda. In this way they caused and still cause a war of the sexes, a family war and a generational wars in culture. The Catholic Church has ensured in a very special way that the faithful isolate themselves from everything natural through an unnatural religious worldview, and has thus opened up a special, source of social guilt. The Catholic Church has also interwoven these social feelings of guilt with a supernatural religious sense of guilt of people towards God (God sacrifices his Son Jesus for the forgiveness of man's sins). Thus, the bottomless supernatural guilt towards god was also indirectly transferred to the vicars of God on earth (Catholic and Protestant churches) and in particular brought the Catholic Church an immeasurable wealth and an immeasurable cultural power in the course of cultural history.

Today, the media, which are for the most part in the hands of the master men, are used for the simple human being to develop supernatural feelings of guilt for everything and everyone, so that in this respect the human being has become a cow for the master men, which is milked by the media in an indirect way, in order to promote the "interests" of the master men without any ifs and buts. Since this cannot go on for much longer, it is time to see through the interests of the master race and to recognise their carcinogenic consequences.

Further information can be found in the book The Healing of the Cultural Soul


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The biological Consideration of the Sin and of the Life Message of Jesus


We now know that life on earth is like a continuum in which all living things are connected. Today's isolation of man from his own nature, from the nature of the earth and from the universe, which has arisen above all through the religious views of the class cultures, has led to an unnatural "sinful" separation of man from his natural connection with life. In order to better understand what this sinful state is that produces sinful deeds, it is helpful to keep in mind that all life has a living natural order, without which life is not possible. As soon as this order no longer exists for whatever reason, then the behavior of the affected organisms becomes nervous, hectic, arbitrary and sometimes as unnatural as we can observe when a healthy cell has mutated into a carcinogenic cell.

Today we are slowly and painfully recognizing that the arbitrary separation of man from his innate nature, the nature of the earth and the nature of a relative universe results in a downright inner isolation of the civilized man. In today's sinful class culture, this also gives rise to the cultural phenomenon of the thousand tongues, already mentioned in the Bible, which is increasingly becoming a serious problem for human self-organization. In view of the potential for violence generated by the class culture, man can therefore no longer afford to pursue a culture that produces sinful, unnatural human constitutional states and actions as if on an assembly line.

In principle, a separation of man from nature can also take place through carelessly carried out unnatural actions, which entail sinful "practical constraints", as is the case, for example, in the case of an unnatural deprivation of rights and enslavement of human beings by human beings. Such an unnatural relationship results in a sinful sadistic constitutional state of the "master man" and a sinful masochistic constitutional state of the "slave man". Since the behavior of the slaves inevitably becomes defensive and passive due to their constantly threatened lives, most today's people do not realize that this is basically an unnatural regression into a infantile behavour. The slave normalizes this self-organization through a supernatural absolutist self-discipline and self-dictatorship, so that the "success" of this life-saving adaptation usually leads to a pathological masochistic pleasure in the slave's power of control over his own life. The tragedy of the sinful sadistic desire of the "master men" for a absoltistic power over the slave man and the sinful masochistic desire of the slave man for a absolutistic power over himself. The sadistic and the masochistic sinfulness complement and fire each other up to in a tragic way and lead the relationship into the abyss of an escalating violence.

The more such relationship processes arise within a class culture, the more the sadistic and masochistic behavioral phenomena are transferred to the entire people and lead to a "normal" cultural relationship behavior of the bottomless sinful kind. This transforms the normal relationships (parent/child, employee/employer, state/citizen, man/woman), into war, so the human being remains trapped in a permanent sinful state. Thereby he onsolidates over the time numerous unnatural behaviors and habits of action of the sinful kind.

Today's increasingly intensifying destructive cultural symptoms therefor make it clear that man must put an end to his sinful cultural organization, because it has become extremely pathological. For 7 generations now, man has been trying to redeem his "normal" sinful constitution and self-organization by replacing increasingly the natural social life insurance, which inevitably decomposes in the culture of class, with a supernatural material life insurance. This self-organization which cultivates an extremely unnatural respectively sinful capitalism, is today in the process of undermining the basic biological basis of life of man through a progressive overload and poisoning of human nature and the nature of the earth.

The essential key to correct this inadvertent human error is a conscious spiritual and spiritual reunion of man with his innate nature, the nature of the earth and the nature of the universe. As soon as man thereby ends the present abuse of a bottomless sinful human imagination and dissolves his idealistic formulas of faith of the fanatical kind, the way to a biological cultural organization is clear. This does not mean that man must return to a cave existence, but that he must end all supernatural violence, through which he today operates a cancerous cultural organization.

One help for this necessary process is the biological confrontation with the life of Jesus, which leads to completely different views than the traditional Jesus view of the Roman Catholic Church. The Roman Catholic Church has so absolutized and immunized an arbitrarily created image of Jesus as a Son of God who died for the sins of man, that this image blocks the biological path for man's redemption from his sinful soul state to this day. The passive-receptive thinking and behavior of the believers created by the Catholic interpretation of Jesus today contributes significantly to the fact that despite all the already visible symptoms of a galloping sinful inflation within the capitalist class cultures, religious man does nothing against this development and more or less limits himself to singing and praying. The Christian behavior that is generally practiced to this day through the concept of tolerance, blanket forgiveness and self-sacrificing selflessness has become a particularly tragic sinful betrayal of the believers against their own inner nature and the nature of the earth through cultural "progress". An all-tolerating setting towards one's own cultural "fate" therefore leads man into a cultural hell of non-commitment, arbitrariness and indifference to all life.

Such a cultural development, which has already become evident in many respects today, is the exact opposite of what Jesus tells us through his life example. We can conclude from what we know today about the life of Jesus that Jesus was aware of the "sinful" state of Jewish culture of his time, since through his life he has consciously emphasized the healthy social nature of man and thus charity, fraternal communion, and the natural symbiotic community nature of man. From this point of view, his advice "By their fruits you shall know them" has become an extremely valuable piece of advice for man, as he can help to better protect the social nature of man from the destructive, sinful messages and fruits of the "master men" and of the "slave men".

The statement of Jesus, which has remained confusing for many Christians to this day: "I did not come to bring peace, but the sword" takes on a special meaning through the biological consideration of the life of Jesus. In order for the life of Jesus to become a spiritual sword for ending the morbid sinful state of today's class cultures, it is important to understand the inner logic that Jesus carried out through his death. We can also understand this death as the biological consequence, rather to accept the physical death than betraying one's own soul and selling it to the power of the Romans and the Jewish Sanhedrin. This would mean nothing else, than to accept a pathologically sinful state of soul that produces not ending sinful acts.

A human being who betrays his inner nature because of a confrontation with a sadistic master man , develops a masochistic recipe for survival, which is sufficiently documented today and develops in every slave. This leads him into an absolutist, unnatural and thus sinful self-dictatorship in favor of the master man. The betrayal of those affected to their own inner nature becomes over the time chronic and leads to a serious sinful mental constitution of the masochistic kind.

Nature knows no slaves, so there is no excuse that can justify a sinful human condition, neither for the sadistic sinfulness of the "master man" nor for the masochistic sinfulness of the "slave man". Anyone who can understand this can also understand why Jesus chose death rather than allow himself to be made a sinful man. We do not know whether the soul of man has a eternal life or not. However, we can certainly state that a broken, sinful person is only a shadow of his former self, which is why being broken mentally an emotionally causes an immeasurable damage to the soul of man.

The biological significance of the life of Jesus for today's man therefore lies in the essential message not to sell one's own innate nature under any circumstances to a sinful class culture, to sinful master races, or for a sinful material luxury life. Today's capitalist class culture degrades, poisons and abuses all tangible natural living beings in such an effective sinful way that we can speak of a life-threatening sadistic appropriation of the nature of man and the nature of the earth.

In view of this cultural development, which today is increasingly threatening the fundamental existence of man, it has become necessary for man to use the message of Jesus' life not only as a passive sword of defense but also as a progressive sword, and to actively intervene in the shaping of cultural life. This requires above all the abolition of the artificial ideological separations of religion and politics and the public life from private life, since these separations are effective pillars of power in today's cultural "divide and rule" agenda. Such a step makes it possible for the today's man to transform the culture into a "holy" democracy in the Christian sense. It is therefore time for all Christians, as well as for all Jews and Muslims, to no longer limit themselves to praying and singing, but to actively work to put an end to the sinful separation of man from nature in all cultures.


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